The Magic Uniq opening system provides all the technological advantages of the Magic system, as well as allows the system to be used with budget frame sheets of standard sizes. Thanks to the use of Magic Uniq, there is now no need to cut into the canvas. This sliding system allows you to completely hide the view of the sliding track, both with an open door and a closed door. The high-speed sliding system is equipped with shock absorbers that provide gentle braking, both when opening and closing.

Tracks are attached directly to the top and bottom edges of the canvas. With the Magic Uniq system, standard 44 mm wide frame blades are used. Available in matt black and matt aluminum finishes.

Система Magic2 Uniq

Система Magic2 Uniq

Applies to series: M, MA, PW, PWB, PA, PE, NW, NA, NE, AP, AG, AX, AV, AGN, AGK, AGP.

Sizes of canvases:

Canvas size:
- in width min 700 mm - max 1000 mm (with a step of 50 mm, for the AG and AGK series, a step of 100 mm).
- in height min 1700 mm - in height 2400 mm (with a step of 50 mm, for the AG and AGK series, a step of 100 mm).

The thickness of the blade is 44 mm. The weight of the canvas is 40-80 kg.